The last day in Orlando
The Magic Kingdom
A strong start
As this was our last day of honeymoon, Rachael decided to start strong with a muffin as large as her face...
Still hot
The temperature still hadn't dropped below 33°c since the start of the week so we tried to queue for rides that had cover.
Purely by chance, when we were walking through Tomorrowland Rachael saw one of her all-time favourite Disney characters: Stitch.
He gestured hearts to us and danced around for a bit in the heat before he had to return to his family.
Castle photoshoot
With the help of some of the park photographers, we spent a bit of time getting some shots in front of the castle.
Sadly, one of the photos looks like Andi was strangling Rachael and maybe holding her against her will.
Andi can't remember this photo being taken but we think this might have been Rachael trying to secretly take a photo of a child's terrible haircut.
He had a mullet, but not even a normal one, like shaved at the sides but also with a long fringe - it was awful!
People Mover
Andi's last ride of choice was one of his favourites - the People Mover at Tomorrowland.
Time for fireworks
We watched the fireworks show on our last night from a fantastic position.
Despite the huge number of people recording blury, shakey footage of the fireworks on their phones rather than just watching and experiencing them in real life, we thoroughilly enjoyed the spectacular show.
Tinkerbell finally made her appearance as she had been absent the last two times we watched.
Au reviour, Disney World!
With the light fading and huge crowds of people flocking to the buses we slowly made our way to the exit of the park with huge smiles on our faces, knowing that no matter how many more times we came to Disney World it would never be as special as the one we first spent together.
Rae's memory
"[coming soon]"
Andi's memory
"[coming soon]"